ISPE Netherlands Affiliate

The Netherlands Affiliate StackedThe ISPE Netherlands Affiliate this year celebrates its 25th anniversary. Since 1990 ISPE-NL organizes company visits with interesting plant tours, educative speakers and good networking opportunities. The last few years more in-depth content is offered by the local Communities of Practice (COPs) through interactive workshops in the areas of GAMP and Project Management.  ISPE develops continuously; In Europe cooperation with regulators is intensified  to balance the traditionally close relation with the FDA and to gain more European influence on the content offered by ISPE. A European chapter has been founded for Young Professionals who are in the first 4 years of their careers. Also in The Netherlands we will start with activities for Emerging Leaders.

ISPE develops continuously; in Europe cooperation with regulators is intensified to balance the traditionally close relation with the FDA and to gain more European influence on the content offered by ISPE. A European chapter has been founded for Emerging Leaders who are in the first 4 years of their careers. Also in The Netherlands we will start with activities for Young Professionals.

This site is an extension of the ISPE Netherlands Affilate home page. In addition to our formal home page this site is used for:

  • Subscribe to our events
  • Register for our newsletter
  • The ISPE Netherlands Affiliate Board elections

This site is available for ISPE members and non-ISPE members. Our formal ISPE home page is only available for ISPE members.

Through the ISPE NLaffiliate home page you can find::